Ok, so this is one of my pet peeves: Spam. What is spam? As far as I am concerned it is any email that is unwanted. If I’ve signed up to a newsletter or other email news deliverer, I expect to receive these emails and newsletters and they don’t bother me. I mean, I asked for them. I don’t even mind the companies that I purchased things from who send me an email about a special deal or news annoucement. What I don’t like is all the emails that have nothing to do with me. I mean just check out some of the spams I receive every day (in no particular order):
Drugs (Viagra, Cialis, and the list goes on)
Emails in Languages I don’t speak
Stock trader alerts
Get Rich Quick Schemes and other scams
Illegal software
Phishing Emails (those are the ones masquerading as legitimate websites)
Bogus Job offers
… and the list goes on.
Are these people serious? Do they actually think people will buy, visit their website, or even find some of this information useful in the least? What a waste of internet resources, what a waste of people’s time…
I get a lot of spam. Take, for example February 9th of this year (that was a Friday). On that day, in a 24 hour period I received 456 spam emails. That’s about one spam email every 3 minutes, every hour, for 24 hours. What is with that?? Thankfully the new Vista email junk filter caught just about every one of those spams, but you still need to scan the sender/subject to make sure nothing was misfiled into the spam folder. That takes time. How much productivity (or even leisure time) do we lose because of stoopid spam?
For fun, I decided to scan the subject headings of all 456 emails, sometimes I cross check the name of the sender (in case the name rings a bell), and rarely did I click on the email to ensure it wasn’t really a good email. It took me about 5 minutes to scan that day’s spam. So that’s 5 minutes every day. That adds up to about 30 hours a year. That’s equivalent to about 4 work days – which is almost a work week – every year! What a waste!
So here are my rules for spam and spammers:
1) never buy anything from someone who spammed me
2) never go to a website because it was recommended in a spam
3) try not to click on any email that is a highly suspected spam email (that way, in case the email directs you to a website and counts your ‘read’ email, the spammer doesn’t get any stats)
4) spend less time checking the spam
5) tell other people rules 1 to 5
If you are trying to contact me legitimately, and I don’t answer within a day… please email again. I check my email constantly. My mailer is always up and running when I’m at my workstation in the studio. To make sure I don’t miss your email please ensure you have a reasonable subject header – something very specific that I won’t likely miss. If we all ignore those spammers maybe they’ll get the message and just go away.