
This article is related to my previous post on composition. I don’t think that the reason why Rembrandt’s paintings endure was a secret, but it’s a neat confluence of art and technology.



iSculptor™ review on

Here is an independent review of iSculptor™ on I love feedback like this. It will help me to add/fix/tweak features so that the app gets better and better with each new release.

I really had to struggle with getting a good balance between cursor and touch technology. The cursor is needed for vertex/poly selection and work, while on the other hand you want to take advantage of the touch technology – all the while working within the limits of the mobile platform. Quite a challenge. Anyway, if anyone has more feedback/questions regarding iSculptor™, please feel free to contact me.

How to load a model from iSculptor™ into your favorite 3d application.

I’ve updated the iSculptor™ video tutorials page with another tutorial. This time, I show you how to take the object you’ve created in iSculptor™ and load it into your favorite 3d application. Well, actually only into Blender and Maya, but if you have any other 3d application it should be very similar. If you have problems just drop me a note through the support page and we’ll see what we can figure out.


After I spent months in seclusion and solitary confinement, I can happily say that iSculptor™ is now available for sale in Apple’s iStore!! Well, okay, I wasn’t in total solitary confinement, I got to see the pizza delivery guy once in awhile. iSculptor™ is a modeling application for iTouch, iPhone and iPad. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! For more information regarding the app, please see our main website.

Updated Website

Our old website used to be a flash website, but we discovered that not a lot of visitors like flash (especially Steve Jobs ). So we decided to rebuild our site and at the same time make it mobile friendly. Please check out our website on your mobile device, we hope you will be pleasantly surprised.


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